Do you own a pet bird? If so, it’s your responsibility to recognize when they’re not feeling up to snuff. Learn about five common signs of a sick bird from your Habersham County, GA veterinary professional:
Loss of Appetite
It’s safe to say that a loss of appetite is a sign of illness in almost any pet, birds included. Like any animal, your bird needs to maintain a steady diet to remain healthy. If you notice all of your bird’s food being left in the bowl recently, something may be wrong. Disease, injury, infection, intestinal blockage, and a variety of other ailments could be to blame, so seek veterinary attention quickly.
Cloudy Eyes
A healthy bird will have clean, clear eyes. If you notice a cloudy texture to the eyes, or see crusts, swelling, discharge, redness, or anything else abnormal, it’s time to call your vet. Symptoms like these could indicate problems with the eyes themselves or wider internal health issues.
Ruffled Feathers
Birds ruffle their feathers as a part of their natural behavior, but leaving the feathers ruffled for an extended period of time could be a sign of ill health. Respiratory disorders, infection, disease, and more could be the cause. As a general rule, if your bird keeps his or her feathers ruffled for 24 hours or longer, veterinary attention is warranted.
Changes in Waste
The characteristics of your bird’s waste can fluctuate somewhat based on what they eat, but drastic changes may be a sign that something is wrong. Do your best to keep track of the color and consistency of your bird’s droppings. Droppings that are especially firm or runnier than normal may indicate a problem, while noticeably red, brown, black, or yellow waste could be a sign of internal health issues. Let your veterinarian know if you suspect your bird’s waste changes aren’t normal.
Cere Issues
The cere is essentially your bird’s nose; it’s the small area above the beak that houses the nostrils. This area is another good one to check for health issues. If you see discharge, inflammation, redness, or anything else that seems out of place in this area, something isn’t right. Your best course of action is to take your bird to see the vet.
Do you have further questions about your bird’s health? Does your feathered friend need a checkup? Make an appointment at your Habersham County, GA veterinarian’s office.